Saturday, January 26, 2008

Me, Still Smokin'!

Hey All!

Been awhile between posts I know! I missed you too! Since I finally got some down time, lets play catchup! Get your jammies on and pour yourself some vino or some hot chocolate - here's the scoop!

Weight wise I have managed to gain quite a bit back...I weighed myself Friday morning to 234 - that is 10 pounds away from where I started, so it's back on track for me! I have gone back to my bible - the Atkins book - and am, yep, starting over again! So this weekend was supposed to be the last, last, really last, I mean it last hurrah! I was supposed to go over a girlfriends house and eat mac and cheese, then we were going to go out paaaaartying and I was going to have margarita's and coronas. Mr. Windstar and Aunt Flo (yes her again!) put a monkeywrench into those plans, but I guess it is just as well, I think that I have binged enough over the last two months. I really want to be sick of food and be over it, but alas he is a lover that I cannot shake! Especially if he comes in Chocolate! or Mexican! or Cheesecake! Damn, I'm getting hungry again.....

Life wise, things couldn't be better! Got me a new fella that is car - azy about Miss Tracy! The second date he called me his Queen and has been a complete sweetheart to me! He loves to cuddle and says that I could not be more perfect. So, to hell with the diet and.......oh no wait, still have my diabetes to contend with and all of those new clothes that I bought. And Valentines Day is coming up, not to mention my birthday and I wanted to be smaller by then. And he did mention something about a nightie that he bought me - Yep its back on! Right now , in its current state, lace is not coming anywhere near this ass! Tho a long sexy gown with a silk coverup might be nice....

See that is still my problem! Big or small (ok less big) I still think that I am the shizz! Is that overconfidence? or Delusion? and when and where is the breaking point? Maybe love has clouded my judgement lately, but I still have goals for myself that I have to reach, not to mention that there are folks in this weight loss journey with me that are looking to me for support.. what to do, what to do.....

Ah well, would love to hear from anyone that is going thru, or has gone thru the same thing! Lets hear from some sista's that are in the game, or have won the game!

Til next time! You Can Do It!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weight Loss Tip of the Day

Start reading labels. I know it sucks, but you have to do it - and there’s no way to avoid this tip. If you don’t know what you’re putting in your mouth, you’re flying blind. Don’t assume, either - triple-check the ingredients list and serving sizes. You must rely on yourself for this; nobody else is going to be able to lose the weight or do the math for you. It’s not that complicated a task, but it will require effort. If nothing else, just pay attention to the calorie count.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy New Year! Happy New Fat!

Hey All!!

Well, hope all of you had a great holiday! I know I did! I racked up on the gifts, and dodged a few New Years Eve bullets (btw, it is not legal to shoot off your guns on New Years, I checked!). I had a quick but dangerous fling with an old lover.....bread!! It was......magical! But like all quick and meaningless flings, this has to end.

It was supposed to end on the First, but then I couldn't have the bbq or the pie that I made for New Year's day. And of course, the stress of going back to work after all of those vacation days I had, oh and then a good friends birthday was on the 8th, and there was the luncheon that I had to prepare at work...... OK OK Next week for sure!!

Allright, update! The contest was officially over on January 4th. I weighed in at 229 - a total loss of 15 pounds! Yay! Well, almost yay! I was up 10 pounds from the last weigh in but I still had a loss!

Soooo - for '08, I am 15 pounds closer to my goal, which is 160! I really don't have a choice now because I have thrown away all of my bigger clothes. The 20's are getting a little snug, so time to put down the donuts and get back on treadmill!

Right now, I'm all up in the primaries, and got a few things going on the romantical side, so I am a little distracted, but I will be keeping up the posts and reporting in with the weekly weigh ins! So, stick with us here folks, I promise we will be more entertaining than the Biggest Loser!

Til next time - I CAN DO... is that an eclaire?!?

Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year - Old Goals

I had a wonderful Christmas break with my family. A testimony to my emotional growth and maturity (and probably theirs as well) is that I now feel absolutely no bitterness or anger towards my parents. I realise they did the best job they could based on who they are and what they knew and in many ways sent me into the world with a plethora of advantages. As I'm no longer emotionally or otherwise dependent on them I can relate to them as individuals and appreciate their special qualities as such. This Christmas was filled with an abundance of joy for all of us and I can't wait to visit again.

I haven't made any New Year's resolutions but one of my most critical goals for 2008, is to continue the weight loss journey I started last August and lose the 27kgs/60lbs I have left to lose through good nutrition and exercise. Food wise, I allowed myself to have whatever I wanted during the holidays, with some quantity moderation and that worked well. I was a little depressed when I got back to grey London and did have a rather bad two days laying on my sofa and grazing on chocolate but that's all behind me now. I can tell by my clothes that I've gained weight (I'm staying clear of the scales) but I'm not worried as I know it will be gone soon. I'm back on my food plan again and am thinking of doing GreySheeters OA again for at least 90 days to help me stay focused on my goal of being 55kgs/120lbs before December 2008.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!